Tracing modules

In addition to the standard Protocol_{aux|clnt|srv} modules, orpc generates Protocol_trace with the following signature (see ModulesInterfaces for the input file):

module type Pp =
    val pp_foo : Format.formatter -> -> unit;;
    val pp_baz'call : Format.formatter -> -> unit;;
    val pp_baz'reply : Format.formatter -> int -> unit;;
    val pp_exn : Format.formatter -> exn -> unit;;
    val pp_exn'reply : Format.formatter -> exn -> unit;;
module Pp_pp (P : Pp) : Pp;;
module Pp : Pp;;
module Sync_pp (P : Pp) (T : Orpc.Trace) (A : Protocol.Sync) : Protocol.
module Sync (T : Orpc.Trace) (A : Protocol.Sync) : Protocol.Sync;;
module Async_pp (P : Pp) (T : Orpc.Trace) (A : Protocol.Async) : Protocol.
module Async (T : Orpc.Trace) (A : Protocol.Async) : Protocol.Async;;
module Lwt_pp (P : Pp) (T : Orpc.Trace) (A : Protocol.Lwt) : Protocol.Lwt;;
module Lwt (T : Orpc.Trace) (A : Protocol.Lwt) : Protocol.Lwt;;

The pp_* functions print data types defined in the input to a Format.formatter, and the functors wrap a client or server to trace calls across the interface.

The idea with the Pp signature is as follows: